AJAX Network Control Center for Ericsson W25

I have a relatively complicated network setup at home and wanted to create a frontend to them, where I can easily switch on/off the servers, manage the server and router configurations, see if the internet is up and running ans see how many client computers are connected.

After evaluating some options I conluded to use an AJAX based solution, running on the Ericsson W25 3G router. The idea was to have a schematic diagram showing all the computers on the newtork, with buttons on the computers to do management tasks.

So here is the result:

As you can see there are boxes for al routers and computers, with the power button you can swicth on or off the servers or restart the internet connection. With the setup button you can go to the management web interface for the servers or routers. In the bottom of the picture you see the clients who have got IP address, their status is checked with arping, so even with a switched on firewall you can see the status.

In the information field for the servers you see the free disk/total disk, for the clients you see the ip address and for the internet you see the ip address and the consumed data traffic in this month.

When creating the page I have used pute javascript for AJAX and used the wz_jsgraphics javascript library for the drawings. On the router I have moved the original user interface to port 8080 and started a new web server with this page as the default web page of the router. For getting the information I have written small cgi shell scripts, each providing a piece of information needed to display. The main logic is in the AJAX web page as Javascript is much easier to use that the linux shell scripts.

Now this is up and running for about one month and I am very happy with it, but have already ideas to improove it:
  1. Create a menu, to start RemoteDesptop, Putty, Windows Share Browsing on a computer
  2. Create a menu, to disble internet access for certain clients
  3. Make a structure, where you can easily extend the system with new menus
  4. Create a new page showing network speed performace


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