List of Ericsson W25 posts
In the last 3 years I have posted a lot about Ericsson W25
Here is the Table of Contents to ease to find what you are interested in:
Changes in Ericsson W25 11B firmware Here in the posts there is a picture on how to solder a serial console to the W25 and some discussion on how to get the root password
SW extensions:
Lehet tudsz segíteni. Lassan 1 éve van meg a w25 nekem, nemrég raktam rá az utolsó firmware-t ami a címen van.
Ezt írja webui felületen sysinfóba:
Tudomásom szerint a 11-es frissítéssel elérhető lett a 7.2mbit is, de sajnos ezt valahogy nem érzékelem. Otthon (Gödöllőn, külterületen) max 2,5mbit, most lehoztam karácsonyra Szegedre, és itt (peremkerület) a max sebesség 3.25mbit. Viszont hoztam egy E220-as Huawei-t is, azzal 4,25mbit-et értem el max..
Arra gondolok, hogy a Sierra firmware nem lett benne frissítve, vagy valami hasonló, hiszen 2.x-es verziót láttam fórumokon.
Vegyek egy usb-s mini-pci átalakítót, és frissítsem le windows alól csak a 8775 driverét?
Ötleted van esetleg?
Megnéztem a sajátomat, ott H2_0_8_19MCAP a modem verziója, tehát lehet még rajta frissíteni.
Én nem raktam fel a legutolsó teljes SW verziót, nálam a CXC 172 3158/001 R11B (Oct 21 2008) van fenn. Viszont korábban több verziót is felraktam, valamelyik közülük frissíthette a modemet.
Amit érdemes kipróbálni, hogy root jelszót szerzel a routerhez és linux parancssorból frissíted a modemet, én ilyet nem csináltam, de az elérhetó parancsok között megtaláltam, hogy melyik paranccsal lehet (ezt neked kell kibogarásznor, mert én már elfelejtettem).
A másik lehetőség, hogy veszel inkább egy TP-Link 3G routert és a szolgáltatótól egy 14, 21 vagy 42 mbites modemet és azzal sokkal jobb sebességeket tudsz elérni.
Nálam a W25 már csak tartalék eszközként működik, a fő csapás egy Hipernetes 42Ms modem egy routerként használt eee netbookban a padláson. (Mostanában a W25 nekem 2,8-3,2 Mbps sebességeket produkál.)
Időközben böngészgettem, és rátaláltam a fórumra, ahol kipostoltak egy R12F firmware-t, ami javítja azt a hibát, ami nálam is jelentkezett az előző frissítéssel nem frissült le a mondem firmware. Most nagy nehezen elértem a 4mbitet. :)
TP-Link 3220, vagy 3420? ki lehet hajtani vele a "hipernet" sebességét?
Egyébként gondolkoztam azon, hogy az ericssonban cserélni wwan modemet, valami nagyobb sebességű sierra-ra, a kernel buherálás nélkül szerinted elvinné?
A TP-linkkel több ismerősömnek is van tapasztalata és hozza azt amit a modem tud. Szerintem érdemes a nagyobbat venni, minimális az árkülönbség és a 300M-es wifi jövőbbálló.
A hipernetnél érdemes a DCs HSPA+-os modemre gyúrni (pld. a ZTE MF680) mert ez egyszerre két csatornán dolgozik és még ha rosszabb is a vétel, akkor is dupla sebbességgel működik.
I am very impressed with your "Networking at Home" blog --- it is clear that you have vast experience and knowledge regarding the Ericsson W25 device.
I own an Ericsson W35 that had been locked to the ROGERS network in Canada. I recently paid ROGERS $57.49 CAD in order to get the OPERATOR UNLOCK CODE for the device. Using this code, I was able to UNLOCK OPERATOR LOCK from the device, and it now recognizes the SIM cards of other providers.
However, I still have a problem...
There are several countries that I visit where I can not use the device to dial any telephone number beginning with a "0" (e.g. all mobile telephone numbers in Australia).
Ericsson told me that the solution to my problem is to enter the following command via the Command Line Interface (CLI):
setprofile au
In order to access the CLI, I used the command "telnet", and I got a prompt of "FWT login:". However, I was unable to login using the User IDs of ROOT or OPERATOR (by entering the factory default settings for their passwords, as listed on page 15 of the Administrator's Guide = W3x_Administrators_Guide_R12_RevB.pdf).
Ericsson claims that ROGERS changed the passwords for these User IDs from their factory default settings, and I must contact ROGERS to obtain the current passwords. Unfortunately, ROGERS claims that they did not changed the passwords for these User IDs. In the meantime, I remain stuck between their opposing claims.
I do not have a background in Linux, and I am a newbie to the W35.
I hope that you can recommend a simple solution to my problem.
I thank you in advance for your consideration.
You can reply to me at
I am very impressed with your "Networking at Home" blog --- it is clear that you have vast experience and knowledge regarding the Ericsson W25 device.
I own an Ericsson W35 that had been locked to the ROGERS network in Canada. I recently paid ROGERS $57.49 CAD in order to get the OPERATOR UNLOCK CODE for the device. Using this code, I was able to UNLOCK OPERATOR LOCK from the device, and it now recognizes the SIM cards of other providers.
However, I still have a problem...
There are several countries that I visit where I can not use the device to dial any telephone number beginning with a "0" (e.g. all mobile telephone numbers in Australia).
Ericsson told me that the solution to my problem is to enter the following command via the Command Line Interface (CLI):
setprofile au
In order to access the CLI, I used the command "telnet", and I got a prompt of "FWT login:". However, I was unable to login using the User IDs of ROOT or OPERATOR (by entering the factory default settings for their passwords, as listed on page 15 of the Administrator's Guide = W3x_Administrators_Guide_R12_RevB.pdf).
Ericsson claims that ROGERS changed the passwords for these User IDs from their factory default settings, and I must contact ROGERS to obtain the current passwords. Unfortunately, ROGERS claims that they did not changed the passwords for these User IDs. In the meantime, I remain stuck between their opposing claims.
I do not have a background in Linux, and I am a newbie to the W35.
I hope that you can recommend a simple solution to my problem.
I thank you in advance for your consideration.
You can reply to this comment by reaching me at
Thank you for your speedy reply.
Unfortunately fwtfwt was not accepted as the password for user=root. You mentioned that this is the standard password for the w25-s. Is there a different standard password for my W35 ?
If I go on to the "firmware upgrade followed by device reset" method that you suggested, do I risk "bricking my device"? My device is presently running the following ROGERS firmware:
Boot Loader
CXC 172 7029 R1A (Dec 09 2008)
UMTS K2_0_7_17BT
Application Software
CXC 172 7031 R13A (Oct 16 2009)
UMTS K2_0_7_17AP
If you feel that this method is safe, what firmware should I use, and how do I go about performing the upgrade?
I certainly appreciate your advice.
You may try to push a bit more on ROGERS to give you the operator or root password. As the thevice is running their SW they should no their password.
Thank you for posting about the W25, The information allowed me to play with my W35 unit.
I have a request and a question:
The request is this: Coluld you write an article about executing a custom shell script using a cron job ?
The question is this: Do you know how to get root access via telnet/ssh to the new Ericcson units like the L21 ?
Thank you
Executing a shell script is the same as doing it on any normal linux, you can use this tutorial or look for one which is a bit more to the point. The important thing is that usually you have to specify the exact location of the executables, as sometimes the path variable is not available.
Regarding the new Ericcson units, unfortunately I have none of them, so I have no experience with them, but it can easily happen that they are more protected against this kind of user access.
There are some people out on the net, who have very extensive experience in hacking routers, and there are good ways to break into them (from soldering out the rom and reading their content, trough reverse engineering a firmware update package to find passwords or find availabe access possibilities, to getting into their booloader and dump out their rom), but unfortunately I know more this in theory than in practice and at the moment I have absolutely no time to play with this.